0341-552180 fisika.fmipa@um.ac.id

Jurusan Fisika FMIPA UM and Siam Photon (SLRI) Thailand present

Seminar on Synchrotron Radiation Application to ASEAN

29 September 2017 – Aula FMIPA UM.

# Contact person:

  1. Ahmad Taufiq
    email: ahmad.taufiq.fmipa@um.ac.id
    phone: 081233196644
  2. Markus Diantoro
    email: markus.diantoro.fmipa@um.ac.id
    phone: 0817425488

# Brochure : https://goo.gl/zFqWsg

# Keynote Speakers

# Registration:

  1. No registration fee
  2. 30 seats available
  3. Link Registration