0341-552180 fisika.fmipa@um.ac.id

On Saturday, August 19, 2023, HMD Physics Nucleon from Universitas Negeri Malang, conducted Physics for the Nation 2023. Physics for the Nation itself is a community service activity which this year carries the theme “Real Movement to Realize Caring Between People”. This activity could form of a realization of a caring attitude towards others through Physics for the Nation activities. Under the guidance of the Head Department of Physics (i.e. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Taufiq, S.Pd., M.Si.) and HMD supervisor (Bakhrul Rizky Kurniawan, S.Pd., M.Pd.), the Physics team carried the activity in Srigonco Village, Bantur District, Malang Regency, where the target of this activity was the elderly in the village with a series of actions, namely simple health checks, delivery of materials, provision of vitamins and assistance in the form of basic needs. Physics for The Nation’s goals align with achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) to achieve no poverty (Goals 1. No Poverty) and good health and well-being (Goals 3. Good Health and Well-Being). These goals could enhance the achievement of sustainable cities and communities (Goals 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities).

The activity started at 08.00 WIB, which began with a simple health check for the elderly by the KSR PMI UM team. After carrying out the health check, the elderly were directed to sit in the place provided, and then light snacks and health brochures regarding “Prevent and Recognize Hypertension” were distributed. The event began with an opening by the MC, then continued with remarks from the Chief Executive, the Physics Student Regent, and the Head of Srigonco Village. The event continued with the presentation of material by Mrs. Vida from the KSR PMI UM team regarding “Prevent and Recognize Hypertension.” After delivering the material, there was an ice-breaking session guided by the committee and then continued with the distribution of necessities to the elderly in Srigonco Village. The assistance provided amounted to 55 needs, all distributed to the elderly in Srigonco Village. The service was collected through open donations, which opened on June 5, 2023, and closed on August 12, 2023—followed by a documentation session with the Head of Srigonco Village, the sub-district head, the elderly in the village, and the entire committee. The event closed with a joint prayer guided by the MC. Afterward, the committee distributed vitamins to the elderly before leaving the village hall.
Bernessa Gilda Fitrianisa, the Regent of Physics Students at the Universitas Negeri Malang said, “Alhamdulillah, we are delighted to be able to carry out activities in Srigonco Village. We were welcomed when we met the Head of Srigonco Village, who was extraordinarily friendly; yesterday’s activities went very well, according to the intended target, and were supported with a spirit of community that God willing. I am grateful to be able to help the residents there; many residents spread sincere smiles because of this activity. Happy and proud to be part of the Physics Department, whose humanitarian spirit is so extraordinary that thanks to its help, this activity can run smoothly. I want to thank you very much for the donations you have made. Hopefully, this donation will bring benefits to the donors and recipients. Thank you also to our collaborators, namely the KSR Team, who have helped provide health services and consultations for the elderly so that the ladies and gentlemen who attended could immediately have their health checked. Hopefully, in the future, everything will go better than before.”
Then Sofilia Yasmin, Head of Community Service and Relations, also said, “Physics for the Nation (FUN) is an activity that aims to foster a sense of community care by distributing aid in providing necessities to the elderly in Srigonco Village, District. Bantur Regency, Kasihan.
This time, the theme was “Real Movement to Realize Caring Between People.” On Saturday, August 19, 2023, thank God, the Physics for the Nation activities ran smoothly, as evidenced by the committee’s arrival on time so that it did not cause delays to the event schedule. “This activity can be said to be quite successful, and this can be seen from the enthusiasm of the elderly in Srigonco Village, Bantur District, Malang Regency. Hopefully, this Physics for the Nation (FUN) can foster a high sense of concern, especially for older people. need it.”

One of the residents of Srigonco village, Mrs. Vika, also thought that the Physics for the Country activity had been carried out well, “In my opinion, yesterday’s activity was perfect. Because apart from being a short event, it’s also short, it’s clear. Many people can also understand this. Increasing knowledge about hypertension and also “Distributing basic necessities can improve the spirits of the elderly in Srigonco Village.”
The implementation of Physics for the Nation 2023 has gone well thanks to the fulfillment of the donation target set by the committee and the very enthusiastic response of the elderly in participating in the activities from the start to the end of the event. Physics for the Nation activities can be even better in the future and reach more elements of local society. Physics for the Nation 2023 activities can be accessed via live streaming on YouTube HMD Phys.