1. Carl J. Wenning, Ed.D; Department  of  Physics,  Illinois  State  University,  Normal,  Illinois,  US; The Levels of Inquiry Model of Science Teaching; Jumat, 06 Juni 2014
  2. Professor Bruce Waldrip; Professor of Curriculum Theory in Science, Mathematics Technology dari Faculty of Education University of Tasmania Australia; Developing discipline-based instruction and the appropriate strategies to research; 5 Oktober 2015
  3. Greg Jay Gaisen; Amerika, How to Teach Physics in Secondary School; 25 Maret 2015
  4. Tim Ferree; Amerika; How to Teach Physics in Secondary School; 25 Maret 2015
  5. Nama????; asal????; Teknik Karakterisasi Nanomaterial Mutakhir; 8 September 2015
  6. Edi Giri R. Putra, Ph.D; BATAN; Small Angle Neutron Scattering, Soft Matters and Nanomaterials; 3 Februari 2016
  7. Dr. rer. nat. M. Farchani Rosyid; Universitas Gadjah Mada; Kemenangan Prediksi Matematis: Gelombang Gravitasi; Jum’at, 18 Maret 2016
  8. Associate Prof. Allen Price, Ph.D; Inovasi Pembelajaran Fisika; 24 Mei 2016
  9. Ambika, S.Si; PT. PAL Surabaya; Menjawab Tantangan Dunia Kerja; 17 September 2016
  10. Anggra Setiyo Irnanto S.Si; PT. SASA; Menjawab Tantangan Dunia Kerja; 17 September 2016
  11. Dr. Wasis, M.Si; UNESA; Assessment dalam Pembelajaran Fisika: Dulu, Kini, dan yang akan Datang, Selasa, 20 September 2016
  12. Associate Prof. Hendra Hermawan; Laval University, Quebec, Canada; Perkembangan Riset Biomaterial dan Strategi Publikasi pada Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi; Senin, 8 Agustus 2016
  13. Rochman Hidayat, S.Si; PT. Adaro Power; Strategi Implementasi Bidang Keahlian utk Meningkatkan Daya Saing di Dunia Kerja; Sabtu, 24/09/2016
  14. Prof. Andrivo Rusydi; National University of Singapore; Teaching methodology and Philosophy; Senin, 26/09/2016
  15. Prof. Hadi Nur; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia; Elevating Students’ Global Competitiveness ; Senin, 26/09/2016
  16. Prof. Dong­Sing Wuu; National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan; Development and Current Research of CIGS Solar Cell; Kamis, 29 September 2016
  17. Prof. Dr. Robert Jann, Applied Optivac Technology, Taiwan; Development and Current Research of CIGS Solar Cell; Kamis, 29 September 2016
  18. Prof. dr. Thomas T.M. Palstra; University of Groningen; Functional Hybrid Organic-inorganic Materials; Senin, 31 Oktober 2016
  19. Yuan Qiang Bai; Singapore; Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM); Jum’at, 28 Oktober 2016
  20. Kuliah Tamu (by Teleconference); Prof. Gerard ‘t Hooft (Nobel Prize winner); Explaining teh Laws of the Universe – Challenges in Physics Research and Education; Selasa, 1 Nopember 2016
