0341-552180 fisika.fmipa@um.ac.id

Daftar Karya Ilmiah Dr. Arif Hidayat M.Si – Dosen Jurusan Fisika UM

  1. Improvement of UV- photoinduced fibre slanted gratings for gain equalisation (72.77 kB)
  2. Optimalization of soliton animation as a tool to understand the concept of optical soliton in nonlinear dispersive medium (444 kB)
  3. Pengaruh Flor dan Fosfor pada Fototosensitifitas Gelas Germanosilikat (568.22 kB)
  4. Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Dengan Pendekatan Simulasi Pada Pokok Bahasan Pandu gelombang (464.65 kB)
  5. Peningkatan Fotosensitifitas Serat Optik Germanosilikat Dengan Metode Pra-Sensitisasi Menggunakan Iradiasi Sinar Laser Arf 193 Nm (343.75 kB)
  6. Stability of Gratings Written in a Telecommunication Fiber Using Light at 193 nm 2010a (335.43 kB)
  7. Suppression of discrete cladding mode resonances in fibre slanted Bragg grating for gain equalization (241.16 kB)
  8. Thermal Stability of Bragg gratings written in N-doped-silica-core fibers (745.43 kB)
  9. Visualization of Exact Solutions of The Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation As A Tool To Understand The Optical Soliton Concept (463.49 kB)