Daftar Karya Ilmiah Dr. Arif Hidayat M.Si – Dosen Jurusan Fisika UM
- Improvement of UV- photoinduced fibre slanted gratings for gain equalisation (72.77 kB)
- Optimalization of soliton animation as a tool to understand the concept of optical soliton in nonlinear dispersive medium (444 kB)
- Pengaruh Flor dan Fosfor pada Fototosensitifitas Gelas Germanosilikat (568.22 kB)
- Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Dengan Pendekatan Simulasi Pada Pokok Bahasan Pandu gelombang (464.65 kB)
- Peningkatan Fotosensitifitas Serat Optik Germanosilikat Dengan Metode Pra-Sensitisasi Menggunakan Iradiasi Sinar Laser Arf 193 Nm (343.75 kB)
- Stability of Gratings Written in a Telecommunication Fiber Using Light at 193 nm 2010a (335.43 kB)
- Suppression of discrete cladding mode resonances in fibre slanted Bragg grating for gain equalization (241.16 kB)
- Thermal Stability of Bragg gratings written in N-doped-silica-core fibers (745.43 kB)
- Visualization of Exact Solutions of The Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation As A Tool To Understand The Optical Soliton Concept (463.49 kB)